Devlog #4 [Week 4, 11 Des - 15 Des 2023]

Updates & Fixes & Changes:

  1. Added effect when player/enemy take hit.
  2. Added 3d sound effect.
  3. Added Post Processing Effects.
  4. Fixed time restarted when player died.
  5. Changed UI tutorial smaller.
  6. Added jump wall ability to bosses.
  7. Nerfed boss health stat and more.
  8. Fixed vignette effect not referenced on level 2.
  9. Changed scoreboard rating calculation (S, A, B, C, D).
  10. Added more object for aesthetic on the levels.
  11. Fixed player sometimes can go through tilemap collider by forcing into it.
  12. Fixed an item not referenced.
  13. Added proper credits.
  14. Fixed some boss issues.
  15. Added rock object.
  16. Changed rock mass to smaller (50 -> 25).


Minnie's Memory Quest 327 MB
Dec 19, 2023

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